SV De-Bug Magazine Issue 24
Silicon Valley De-Bug
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Issue 24 is the Justice issue.
This collection of stories is a reflection of the whole road of the De-Bug work – of how we are brought together by moments of unimaginable crisis and intentional steps – and this is where we meet and make the road together - encouraging each other along by listening, reflecting, and then doing the work to bring about something better based on that experience.
Central to this issue is keeping youth from getting trapped into the criminal justice system at the moment of detention. Youth write about being interrogated at school and using this experience to bring about a game changing law for youth 15 & under during interrogation. Our local public defender breaks down what to expect if youth do end up detained and the 24-hour phone line they are ready to answer to make sure you know your rights. We’re honored to share stories of families, of fighters making a new way so that eventually: no loved one is lost at the hands of police, youth are treated as youth when facing law enforcement, our communities are not behind bars while they wait for trial and our community isn’t lost nor erased by the destructive forces of tech and gentrification. We want a San José that not only reflects the history and contributions of the extended De-Bug family we want a future that is directed by their dreams.
Bi-Lingual in english / spanish
Download the English FREE PDF here.
Download the Spanish FREE PDF here.